矢量图图片大全 波浪矢量图画法

矢量图图片大全 波浪矢量图画法

该民宿得名于其独具特色的波纹形瓦片顶,所以设计的中心元素即为瓦片和波浪纹的组合,将主文字WAVE极简化,搭配简洁的图标,凸显出具有禅意的整体风格,符合民宿的特色和定位 。
The project is the LOGO of the minshuku homestay, and the name is “WAVE”, which means “ripple, wave”. The project is the LOGO of the minshuku homestay, and the name is “WAVE”, which means “ripple, wave”.
The minshuku homestay gets its name from the unique corrugated tile roof, so the central element of the design is the combination of tiles and wave patterns. The main text WAVE is extremely simplified, with simple icons, highlighting the whole Zen-inspired style which is in line with the characteristics and positioning of the homestay.
之石设计 | Turqstyle Logo Design
WAVE 波浪波纹LOGO有色底版本
WAVE 波浪波纹LOGO透明底版本

