
announce的名词是什么?announcement 名词 n.1.通告,布告,通知;预告An announcement will be made next week.下周将有一个通告发布 。2.宣告,宣布We were eager to hear the announcement of the winner of the race.我们急于想听到宣布赛跑优胜者名单 。announce 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.宣布, 宣告, 发表They announced that a cold wave would come soon.他们报告说不久寒流就要来 。Have they announced when the race will begin?他们宣布比赛什么时候开始了吗?A voice on the phone announced itself as Mr. Baker.电话里的人说他是贝克先生 。“I

