印度和韩国哪个国家更发达 印度和韩国经济哪个发达( 二 )

?多样性:印度是一个巨大的国家,和韩国一样,也是一个非常多样的国家 。所以你可以在印度看到不同类型的气候、人、文化和语言;
? transportation: South Korea's aviation industry is very developed, and Koreans prefer to fly between cities, such as Busan and Seoul;
? I recently visited New Delhi, the capital of India. Over the years, I have observed many positive changes. Delhi's infrastructure must be improving. The road condition has improved, but the city still lacks the beauty of green vegetation coverage. I hope the Indian government will plant more and more trees in Delhi like Seoul;
印度?我最近访问了印度首都新德里 。这些年来,我观察到了许多积极的变化 。德里的基础设施肯定在改善 。道路状况有所改善,但这座城市仍然缺乏绿色植被覆盖的美,我希望印度政府像首尔一样在德里市种植越来越多的树木;
? if you hang out in Delhi (or any other big city in India), you must take a bath when you get home. Because of the dust and smoke on you. However, if you walk in Korean cities, it will be much easier;
?如果你在德里市(或印度的任何其他大城市)闲逛,那么你回家后必须洗澡 。因为积在你身上的灰尘和烟雾 。但是,如果你在韩国城市漫步,会轻松得多;
? compared with Indian drivers, Korean drivers are much more polite, and women don't have to worry about travel safety.
?与印度司机相比,韩国司机有礼貌多了,女性也不用担心出行安全的问题 。
South Korea is at least 50-80 years ahead of India in almost all technical fields (except possibly military nuclear technology or space technology). Whether you visit Seoul, Jeju, Busan or any other province in the country, you will find that they have little "development" because they are already very developed.
韩国在几乎所有技术领域(可能军事核技术或空间技术除外)都至少领先印度50-80年 。无论你访问首尔、济州、釜山还是这个国家的任何其他省份,你都会发现它们几乎没有什么“发展”,因为他们已经很发达了 。
Developed countries have many different meanings for different countries. For India, development still means housing, health care, education, electricity, water, food and employment, while for Koreans, development means more automation, nanotechnology, information and nature conservation.
发达国家对不同的国家也有很多不同的含义 。对印度来说,发展仍然意味着住房、医疗保健、教育、电力、水、食品和就业,而对韩国人来说,发展意味着更多的自动化、纳米技术、信息和自然保护 。
The Korean Peninsula suffered a devastating blow after the 1953 war. However, South Korea adopted the Japanese model and gradually formed its own industrial strength. Today, if you see, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hongkong SAR and Chinese mainland have adopted the same economic development mode.
朝鲜半岛在1953年战争后遭受了毁灭性的打击 。但韩国采用了日本模式,并慢慢形成了自己的工业实力 。今天,如果你看到,日本、韩国、台湾地区、新加坡、香港特区和中国大陆采用了同样的经济发展模式 。
The answer is: South Korea. In terms of economy, although India is the sixth largest economy in the world, its per capita income is less than US $2000, while South Korea, which has the twelfth largest economy in the world and the fourth largest economy in Asia, has a per capita income of US $29000, which will soon reach US $30000.
答案是:韩国 。从经济方面说起,虽然印度是世界第六大经济体,但其人均收入还不到2000美元,而拥有世界第十二大经济体和亚洲第四大经济体的韩国的人均收入为29000美元,很快将达到30000美元 。

