印度和韩国哪个国家更发达 印度和韩国经济哪个发达( 四 )

韩国网友Jay Kim的回答
Hahaha, you compare South Korea with India in terms of development, but you forget that South Korea is at least 200 years ahead of India in terms of development. Even South Korea's per capita GDP income is higher than India's per capita GDP. The quality of life of South Korean people is better than that of Indian people, and South Korea is more innovative than India.
哈哈哈,你将韩国与印度在发展方面进行比较,但你忘记了韩国在发展方面至少比印度领先200年,甚至韩国人均gdp收入也高于印度人均gdp,韩国人民的生活质量比印度人民好,韩国比印度更具创新性 。
South Korea's technology, infrastructure, urban planning, education system, human rights, health care system, transportation system and manufacturing sectors are blooming everywhere in India. Even the leaders of many South Korean companies such as Samsung have a higher status than local officials in India. LG and Hyundai have established their own companies in India, but there are no Indian companies in South Korea's top five export countries, such as Hong Kong An economy like Singapore has a population of less than 10 million, and its exports to South Korea even exceed India.
韩国的技术、基础设施、城市规划、教育系统、人权、医疗保健系统、交通系统和制造业部门在印度遍地开花,甚至三星等许多韩国公司中的领导比印度当地官员地位更高,LG和现代在印度建立了自己的公司,但在韩国前五个出口国家中没有印度公司,而像香港、新加坡这样的经济体,只有不到1000万的人口,其对韩出口甚至都超过了印度 。
Even if India's per capita GDP is low and underdeveloped, it is more than enough compared with many Southeast Asian countries and African countries, but it is a little laughable compared with first world countries such as South Korea.
即使是印度人均gdp较低且较不发达,但和许多东南亚国家和非洲国家相比还是绰绰有余的,不过与韩国等第一世界国家进行比较就有点贻笑大方了 。
In many ways, I think this is an unfair comparison. After all, there are too many differences in area and population between the two countries.
从很多方面来看,我觉得这是一个不够公平的比较,毕竟这两个国家在面积和人口方面差异太大了 。
India is a developing country, while South Korea is a developed country. However, when comparing countries and deciding which country is more developed or less developed, we usually don't pay attention to the fact that there are great differences in size, population, culture and culture between one country and another. I admit that South Korea is now famous in major industries such as automobile, for example, Hyundai Automobile is popular in the Chinese market. But even India is a famous country in foreign markets. Many Indian companies have made huge profits under its supervision... It is one of the powerful and influential countries in the world.
印度是一个发展中国家,而韩国是一个发达国家 。然而,在对国家进行比较并决定哪个国家更发达或更不发达时,我们通常不会关注这样一个事实,即一个国家与另一个国家在大小、人口、文化和文化方面存在很大差异,我承认,韩国如今在汽车等主要行业大名鼎鼎,比如现代汽车在中国市场上大行其道 。但即使是印度在国外市场也是一个大名鼎鼎的国家,许多印度公司在其监管下赚取了巨额利润……它是世界上最强大而有影响力的国家之一 。
However, the distribution of India's huge economy among its states and citizens is unequal. India's major metropolises, such as Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai, are highly developed cities, while cities such as Drayton and janssey have just developed.
但是,印度庞大的经济在其州和公民之间的分配是不平等的,印度的主要大都市,如孟买、德里、钦奈等,都是高度发达的城市,而德拉敦、詹西等城市则刚刚发展起来 。

