印度和韩国哪个国家更发达 印度和韩国经济哪个发达( 五 )

South Korea is a small country compared with India, so the inequality of capital distribution between its cities is much smaller.
韩国与印度相比是一个小国,因此其城市之间资金分配的不平等性要小得多 。
Since I have never been to Korea, many of you may say that the major cities in Korea are much more developed than those in India.
由于我从未去过韩国,你们中的许多人可能会说,韩国的主要城市比印度的主要城市要发达得多 。
Many large cities in India are larger than those in Korea, so they (Korean cities) need a given amount of money for smaller areas. Although relatively large areas in Indian cities need to spend a certain amount of money, therefore, although some parts of Mumbai are very developed, you may encounter some relatively underdeveloped areas in the same city.
印度的许多大都市比韩国的大都市大,所以他们(韩国城市)需要给定的资金用于较小的区域,虽然印度城市中相对较大的区域需要花费一定数量的资金,因此,虽然孟买的一些地方非常发达,但你可能会在同一个城市中遇到一些相对较不发达的区域 。
Yes, the funds available in Seoul and Mumbai will be roughly the same, and even Seoul's budget may exceed Mumbai's.
是的,首尔和孟买的可用资金将大致相等,甚至首尔的预算可能超过孟买 。
Let me tell you my friend that South Korea is a developed country and India is developing. The final date for India to become a developed country has not been set, because it will take 10 or 20 years, and no one knows.
让我告诉你我的朋友,韩国是一个发达国家,印度处于发展中 。印度成为发达国家的最终日期尚未确定,因为这将需要十年或二十年的时间,没有人知道 。
On the other hand, South Korea developed decades ago. The success of this country is inseparable from many characteristics. Although after secession from North Korea, under the condition of limited natural resources, South Korea has encountered many obstacles on the road to success.
另一边,韩国几十年前就发展起来了,这个国家的成功离不开许多特质 。虽然从朝鲜分裂出去后,在自然资源有限的条件下,韩国在取得成功的道路上遇到了许多障碍 。
Corruption is one of the major incurable diseases in countries like India, but you can't find the highest level of corruption in the whole Korean system. From the manufacture of nails, screws and pins to large ships, Marines, aircraft or anything else.
腐败是像印度这样的国家无法治愈的主要疾病之一,但在整个韩国体系中,你找不到最高级别的腐败 。从钉子、螺丝钉、别针地制造到大型船只、海军陆战队、飞机或其他任何东西,都不存在 。
South Koreans produce many products, whether bikini or high-end market products, which has a lot of labor demand. These people can find jobs in South Korea and settle down there. They have created better conditions for their families and South Korea.
韩国人生产着许多产品,无论是比基尼还是高端市场产品,这就有着大量的用工需求 。这些人可以在韩国找到工作,并在那里安家落户 。他们为自己的家庭以及韩国创造了更好的条件 。
All this means that they are job providers rather than job seekers. In any medium-sized company, the normal salary of receptionists is close to $2000 a month.
所有这些都意味着他们是工作提供者而不是求职者,在任何一家中型公司,接待员的正常工资都接近每月2千美元 。
Now, the purchasing power of any Korean is much higher than that of any Indian. More than 30% of the population in South Korea are business owners. As a developed country, this model is not complicated, but the system of corrupt countries such as India is never allowed to follow the model of developed countries.

