美国是世界上最好的国家吧 美国最怕的国家( 三 )

一些时代性错误导致的结果是,在美国民主制度中,农村的保守派人口拥有的投票权远远超过其人数本身所能代表的话语权 。因为这些人往往没有受过教育,也不懂得批判性思维,所以他们很容易被煽动者操纵 。比如川普 。
But whether it’s “great” in some noble, morally superior way or not, what is for sure is that right now it’s the most important nation on Earth. Americans may not generally know much about the world, but the world is always aware of America and what it’s up to.
无论美国是否以某种高尚、道德的方式“伟大”,但可以肯定的是,它现在是地球上最重要的国家 。美国人可能对世界了解不多,但世界总是了解美国所作所为 。

美国网友Matthew Lallo的回答
It isn’t. Check which country is first in science and math. It isn’t the US and not even in the top 20. Infant mortality in the “greatest “ country in the world?
不是,看看哪个国家在科学和数学方面领先,它不是美国,甚至不是前20名 。美国只有世界上“最高的”婴儿si亡率!

美国网友Ernest W.Adams的回答
Growing up in the richest, most powerful nation in the world and one of the ones with the largest population creates a very distorted perspective on the world. It's like being the child of a billionaire or of the president of the United States. You really have no baseline from which to judge what “normal” is. Americans have come to believe that the United States is the best at everything because throughout the late 20th century either it really was, or it did not know about areas in which it was not. So when you point out that the United State's infant mortality rate is absurdly high for the richest country on the planet, it doesn't compute. If you're a liberal, you get angry and become activist. How could we have screwed up so badly as to not be the best at keeping babies alive? If you're a conservative, you dismiss the data as biased (a liberal conspiracy to justify taking your tax money to treat babies… probably foreign illegal brown crack babies at that!) or accurate but irrelevant (it's more important to have the best nuclear weapons than the healthiest babies).
在世界上最富有、最强大、人口最多的国家之一中长大,会对世界产生非常扭曲的看法,这就像是亿万富翁或美国总统的孩子一样,你真的没有标准来判断什么是“正常” 。美国人已经开始相信美国在所有方面都是最好的,因为在整个20世纪末,它要么真的是最好的,要么不知道自己还有不知道的领域 。所以,当你指出美国的婴儿si亡率在这个星球上最富有的国家来说高得离谱时,这并没有被更多的深思 。如果你是一个自由主义者,你会很生气,我们怎么会把事情搞得如此糟糕,以至于不能最好地让婴儿存活下来?如果你是保守派,你会认为这些数据是有偏见的或者即使数据没有问题但问题无关紧要 。

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