美国是世界上最好的国家吧 美国最怕的国家

美国是世界上最好的国家吧 美国最怕的国家

美国是由50个州和关岛等众多海外领土组成的联邦制国家,它在经济、文化、工业等领域都处于全世界的领先地位,是一个高度发达的资本主义国家 。美国问答论坛Quora上美国网友提问:你为什么认为美国是世界上最好的国家? 这引起了各国网友的关注和热议,来看看网友们的回答 。


美国网友Lytiek Gethers的回答
America is far from being the greatest country in the world.
美国远不是世界上最伟大的国家 。
It has a lot of racism, class inequality, and sexism
美国有很多种族主义、阶级不平等和性别歧视 。

美国网友TE Joseph Rotty的回答
是的 。
If you were white at least, living conditions in the US were far superior to those in Europe from the late 19th century to the early 1920s.
起码从19世纪末到20世纪20年代初,美国的生活条件远比欧洲优越,如果你是白人的话 。
This is the period where immigrants were welcome and many families started a new life in the New World.
在这一时期,移民策略受到人们欢迎,许多家庭开始了在新大陆的新生活 。
On top of that, the American People provided famished countries during and after the First World War with the food they needed to avoid starvation, often free of charge. This was an incredible act of kindness.
最重要的是,在第一次世界大战期间和之后,美国人民为饥饿的国家提供避免饥饿所需的食物,一般是免费的 。这是一个令人难以置信的善举 。

美国网友William Bezanson的回答
That question is in the wrong category. It belongs in the fiction section.
这个问题属于错误的范畴 。它应该放在小说区 。

欧洲网友David Andresen的回答
America is far from being the greatest country in the world.
美国远不是世界上最伟大的国家 。
It may be the brashest. The loudest. The most heavily weaponized.
它可能是最粗鲁的、最傲慢的、武器化程度最高的国家 。
But it far from the greatest, or best, or most desirable.
但美国远不是最伟大的,最好的,或最令人向往的 。

美国网友Ben Solace的回答
I don’t. My country has a host of problems, not the least of which is both political parties refusing to see eye to eye with each other, and a decent portion of one of them refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and taking up valuable hospital beds that people actually need. This is not to mention the hosts of racial injustice that people of color face in our nation. We are probably top 50 countries, but nowhere near the best.

美国网友Ronald J Brown的回答
It’s not. Not even close. And, if you think that this dysfunctional country is the “greatest” then you have some serious issues with reality.
不是,甚至都不接近 。而且,如果你认为这个功能失调的国家是“最伟大的”,那么你就有一些严重的问题 。

美国网友Kevin Burke的回答
Nothing - it’s not the greatest country in the world. It has had its moments, but it has many faults that it refuses to address. If you want a more complete answer, go to search for “The Newsroom” and look for the “America is not the greatest country in the world” segment from this really great HBO show written by Aaron Sorkin. In it a news commentator is asked the question and is finally poked into providing a brilliant answer. Everytime I try to link it on this site it get taken down by moderators, so I learned my lesson. Watch it for some serious things to think about going forward.

