美国最受欢迎的万圣节糖果 美国万圣节要糖

美国最受欢迎的万圣节糖果 美国万圣节要糖


The Halloween holiday is October 31.
10月31日是万圣节 。

Tens of millions of children will put on costumes that night and visit their neighbors’ homes.
数以千万计的孩子将在当晚穿上特殊的服装,到邻居家做客 。

The neighbors will give them candy.
邻居们会给他们糖果 。

Americans are expected to spend about $9 billion on Halloween this year.
预计今年美国人在万圣节期间的花费将达90亿美元 。

Most of the money is spent on costumes, decorations and candy.
大部分钱都花在了服装、装饰品和糖果上 。

The National Retail Federation estimates that more than 175 million Americans are planning to take part in Halloween activities this year.
美国零售联合会估计,今年有超过1.75亿美国人计划参加万圣节活动 。

The online candy seller CandyStore.com looked through 11 years of data to learn which Halloween candy is most popular in each American state.
在线糖果销售商CandyStore为了获悉美国各州最受欢迎的万圣节糖果,查阅了11年的数据 。

The company found that, overall, Skittles, M&M’s and Snickers are the most popular candies.
该公司发现,总体而言,彩虹糖、M&M’s巧克力豆和士力架是最受欢迎的糖果 。

The favorite candy of Texans, though, is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.
然而,德州人最喜欢的糖果是里斯的花生酱杯 。

And candy corn came in first in the states of Alabama, Michigan, Idaho and New Mexico.
在阿拉巴马州、密歇根州、爱达华州和新墨西哥州,玉米糖排名第一 。

But children who live in Oregon may be among the luckiest in America; larger-size candy bars are a usual treat in the northwestern state.
但住在俄勒冈州的孩子可能是美国最幸运的孩子之一;在这个西北部的州,要到大块的糖果已经成为常态 。

What will children wear this Halloween?

The National Retail Federation says princess, superhero and Batman costumes are the most popular choices among kids.
美国零售联合会表示,公主服、超级英雄和蝙蝠侠服是孩子们最喜欢的服饰 。

Adults, however, favor frightening characters, like witches and vampires.
然而,成年人喜欢恐怖的角色,比如女巫和吸血鬼 。

Even America’s animals are getting into the action.
甚至美国的宠物也开始装扮起来 。

Dog and cat owners plan to dress their animal friends as pumpkins, hotdogs and bumblebees, the retail group says.
该零售联合会表示,狗和猫的主人计划将他们的宠物朋友装扮成南瓜、热狗和大黄蜂 。
【美国最受欢迎的万圣节糖果 美国万圣节要糖】

