3 八支串联瑜伽之路

16小时前胜利呼吸法,能+量收束法,凝视法:“八支串联瑜伽”的三大基石在起头“八支串联瑜伽”练习之前,有一个很是要紧的重点要注重:它并不是印度式的有氧运动!那种健康,有力而美丽的身材,只不过是小副产物罢了 。在“八支串联瑜伽”系统里头,有一些基本技巧可以把体育锻炼转换成灵性的操练 。帮你进入能有意识的觉知及导引生命能(普拉纳,宇宙能+量)的神秘世界 。这些个精细的技巧,比那些练健美的还更重要 。练这些个看不见的才算是瑜伽!而“八支串联瑜伽”中,有下面所开列这些个看不见的重点要练:1 。胜利呼吸法2 。能+量收束法3 。凝视法4 。串联动作5 。体位法Ujjayi,Bandha and Drishtis make the foundation of Ashtanga Vinyasa YogaBefore you start your Ashtanga Yoga practice there is one very important point to mention: AshtangaVinyasa Yoga is not hindu aerobics!A healthy,powerful and beautiful body is merely an unimportant side effect of Ashtanga Yoga.There are some fundamental techniques in the Ashtanga Yoga system which transform a physicalexercise into a spiritual practice.Tools which can help you enter a mystic world in which Prana,the universal energy,can be felt anddirected consciously.These subtle techniques are much more important than the powerful body workout.Yoga is what you cant see!This invisible foundation of Ashtanga Yoga is based on the following aspects:Ujjayi Pranayama (= breathing) Ujjayi Pranayama is a special breathing technique. It is a method to getunlimited access to Prana (=universal energy)....Bandha Bandha names a technique which works like a valve for Prana (= Energy)....Drishti Drishti is a point of gaze or focus....Vinyasa Vinyasa means union between breath and movement....Asana Asana is the most visible part of the Ashtanga Yoga practice and is commonly known as the"Yoga position". ...胜利呼吸法胜利呼吸法是一独特的呼吸技巧与方法,它接通了无穷的生命能(宇宙能+量) 。演练此法,最先就可感觉出身体发热 。虽据说依这种呼吸术,可以起拙火溶化方圆的冰雪 。但这技巧却也给了你足够内涵能+量,来应付那些彷佛不成能的体能要求 。作出难度大度的瑜伽体位,在在要耗用大量的肌肉精力 。而肌肉系统获取精力所需能+量即来自生命能,且胜利呼吸法就能给她们足够的生命能 。胜利呼吸法乃透过鼻孔缓慢的呼吸:约四到5个心跳距离吸气,并约四到5个心跳距离吐气 。这样在你喉咙孕育发生低柔温以及的声音,就像内涵海洋的浪涛拍岸声,随着呼吸升沉着 。只要谛听这一节拍,你便能沉静地飘浮过整个瑜伽套路 。此法将成为你识别锻炼品质的最好指标,过于短促地呼吸声,表示做的过于猛烈,反之,过于疲软无力的呼吸声,则表示其时过于散漫了 。把刚,柔,快,慢间,操纵得恰如其分,即可进入动禅的境界 。Ujjayi Pranayama (= breathing)Ujjayi Pranayama is a special breathing technique. It is a method to get unlimited access to Prana(=universal energy).Performing it,heat may be your first sensation. Its said,that by this breathing,Yogis can create enoughheat to melt snow around them. But this technique also gives you inner energy to master impossibleseeming physical efforts. Doing demanding Yoga positions can bee just seen as an result of an hugeamount of muscular stamina. But the muscular system gets it s energy for this stamina from Prana andUjjayi Pranayama gives this Prana to them.Ujjayi breathing means breathing slowly through your nostrils -about 4 to 5 heartbeats in and about 4 to5 heartbeats out. Doing this you create a soft and gentle sound in your throat,just like the waves of aninner ocean floating to the coast You hear the same sound inhaling and exhaling. Just listen to thisrhythm. You can ride on it gently through your entire practice of Ashtanga Yoga.The Ujjayi Pranayama will become a guide to tell you about the quality of your practice. A too forcefulbreathing may point you to a too forceful practice - . a too sleepy and unfocused to an too sleepy andunfocused practice. Keeping the right balance between hard and soft,fast and slow means going inmoving meditation.能+量收束法(以下略称收束法)“收束法”系称一项具有水闸门般的功能,用来控制生命能的技巧 。瑜伽哲学中说,人的精细体有(三)脉,有(七)轮 。所以,微妙的收束法要成就,很显然是肉体动作并不是主角,重心却在纯粹的心力贯注上 。为控制差别内气,而有差别的收束法 。在八支串联瑜伽中,有“会阴收束法”及“收腹收束法”两个最重要的收束法 。会阴收束法会阴收束法,意指骨盘腔底层肌肉的收缩 。会阴收束法,导气到脊椎结尾的海底轮 。会阴收束法,让你与“地大”元素保持 。会阴收束法,赏给你坚固性与稳定性 。起头学会阴收束法,可以一方面像忍屎儿一样收缩肛门,一方面像忍小便一样收缩尿道 。但不错的位置,却在前后阴之间 。这需要长时间去揣摩,所以初学者只要夹肛缩臀即可 。若要进一步了解会阴肌群,则可练习凯格尔运动 。这是凯格尔大夫为产后妇女设计,用来调整骨盘腔底层肌肉的动作 。这套训练包括小便时,多次刹时停止,再撒尿的动作来锻炼会阴肌群 。刚起头要集中在会阴是很难的,而且收束法不容易持久,但长时间的练习之后,你便可不难地优游在整个瑜伽套路之间了 。收腹收束法收腹收束法,系指在呼气吸气时,收小腹让胸腔孕育发生真空而言 。它的梵文字面意思是“奔腾” 。收腹收束法,把生命能提升汇入你的脊骨 。收腹收束法,让你与“风大”元素保持 。收腹收束法,赏给你轻安且帮你降服重力 。收腹收束法,保护你的下违,拉伸脊骨并且防止下违过度的后弯 。起头学收腹收束法,可以依下面所开列练习:吐气,彻底把肺部残余的空气都排清 。两手放在膝盖上,然后锁住喉头,伸开肋骨 。就像要吸气一样,但不让空气进来 。如此,胸部就会孕育发生真空,肚子便深度上提 。接续停止呼吸,再吸腹贴脊,深入去体会这动作 。直至憋不住了,才起头吸气,并放松腹部 。如果这样练起来已轻松愉快了,就能够在呼吸之间,插手这种让胸腔真空的动作,但不需太极端只要轻微的做即可 。请注重,练收束法时腹部肌肉是松软的,一点也没有使力 。长时间的练习之后,收腹收束法将会变成你的一部分 。在你做套路练习时,从头到尾要几回再三的运用此法,尤其是诡计让身体悬空的时辰 。..BandhaBandha names a technique which works like a valve for Prana (= Energy).The Yoga philosophy describes Nadis (= energy channel) and Chakras (= energy centres) in the subtlebody. So it is clear that Bhanda indicates a very fine technique,only partly achieved by physical actionbut mainly by pure concentration. There are some different Bandhas for different regulations in thepranic flow. For Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga this two are most important: Mulabandha and UddiyanaBanda.MulabandhaMulabandha means contracting the pelvic floor.Mulabandha leads the energy to the lower end of your spine -to Muladhara Chakra.Mulabandha connects you with earth-energy.Mulabandha gives you firmness and steadiness.You can learn Mula Bandha on the one hand by contracting the anus as if you want to stand from goingto the toilet,on the other hand by contracting the genital sphincter like inhibiting peeing. The properposition of Mulabandha is just between this two actions. It needs some time to get the necessaryawareness of the perineal muscles. So in beginning just contract your anus. If you need an additionalhelp to get more focus of your perineal muscles use an technique named after Keigel. He invented it forwoman after childbirth to tune their pelvic floor again. His training is done while urinating by engagingthe perineal muscles to stop the flow of urine and releasing it a view times.In the beginning it is hard to keep concentration and Mulabandha may waver but with practice you willbe able to hold it for your entire Ashtanga Yoga session.Uddiyana BandhaUddiyana Bandha means suck in the lower abdomen by creating an vacuum in your chest whilebreathing in and out.Translated wordly Uddiyana Bandha means "flying upward".Uddiyana Bandha arises the Prana upward in your Spine.Uddiyana Bandha connects you with air-energy.Uddiyana Bandha gives you lightness and helps you to come over gravity force.Uddiyana Bandha also protects your lower back,keeping the spine long and preventing against toomuch backward bending in the lower back.To learn Uddyana Bandha you can tag on the following exercise: Breath completely out and press eventhe last bit of the air out of your lungs. Place your hands on your knees.Then 关上 your throat while expanding your chest. Just like trying an inhalation but not letting any air inthrough your throat. Through this method an vacuum in your chest is created an your abdomen will besucked in deeply. Hold your breath this way for a while trying to get your belly even deeper in and to getmore feeling of the action. Before the next inhalation swallow once and release your belly first. If youare completely conformable with this technique you can start and try creating such an vacuum,onlyslighter,during breathing. Please notice,that absolutely no muscular contraction in the abdomen isneeded for this Bandha.With practice Uddiyana Bandha will become very natural. It just happens more and more all the timeduring your practice. -Especially when you try to lift your body up in the air.能+量收束凝视法凝视法是指注视或集中在一点上 。它不仅注视外景,而且更重要的是要心不过骛 。由意守外景导向内涵的集中 。经典上有九个凝视点:1 。鼻尖二 。印堂(两眉之间,第三眼)3 。肚脐眼4 。拇指5 。手6 。大脚趾7 。右眺8 。左眺9 。仰望天空DrishtiDrishti is a point of gaze or focus. Drishti mainly means not looking ato an external object but moredrawing your consciousness away from the distractions around you,to one point of view. A point fromwhere your concentration is directed inwards.Classically there are nine Drishtis: Nasagrai Drishti = tip ofthe noseBroomadya Drishti / Ajna Chakra Drishti = third eyeNabi Chakra Drishti = navelAngusta Ma Dya Drishti = thumbHastagrai Drishti = handPadahayoragrai Drishti = big toeParsva Drishti = far to the rightParsva Drishti = far to the leftUrdhva Drishti / Antara Drishti = up to the sky串联动作串联(串联),意指呼吸跟动作间的联合 。每个动作都是由呼气或吐气所动员 。你移动的时间,等于你呼吸的时间 。身体依从这自然的节拍 。在八支串联瑜伽的传统里,每一瑜伽姿势(体位)的进入及离开都以排定的某些动作串联起来,一动一动的唱喊数码 。所以,每一体位都有设定好的若干串联动作组来进入或离开 。(这些个数码名称列于网页上的“体位 - 串联 - 指南”)因此八支瑜伽成为一样很是精确的练习 。始末以套路体式格局做同样的动作组,有两个杰出的理由:◎瑜伽行者相信有一个能+量场浸透万物 。所做每一动作,皆会影响此一能+量场 。所以你可想像透过古老的八支瑜伽练习,这种能+量的打击,其力量有何等的大!成千累万的瑜伽行者几千年来天天都锻炼同样的动作!借着瑜伽练习,你便可感遭到所进入的这一能+量场 。就透过练习,磁场就强到够你一个串联接一个串联不断的向前行 。◎天天以相同的次序,相同的动作练习,会让你的脑筋特另外厌离 。所以就不会还费心思于要操练什么,如此才容易进入动禅 。尽管住呼吸控制法,收束法,凝视法,串联动作及体位法,而不要起妄念!练习八支串联瑜伽时,并不是所有来自以及归回站立姿势的串联动作都要做 。虽然按这体式格局唱数,但在所有姿势之间,甚至相同却摆布差别边的姿势之间,都有某些配合的串联动作 。通常推回来“狗向下式”(下犬式) 。(详细内容请看网页上的“体位 - 串联 - 指南”,所作串联动作以粗体字表示,只唱数的,以细字表示)◎如你所知,在本瑜伽系统中有许多的串联动作,而体位姿势仅作短暂的逗留 。这对于来自其他差别瑜伽派另外人,有时会感觉奇怪 。她们可能想说:“为什么看见的老是体位法之间的这些个串联动作?”这实在是有所曲解!咱们并不是在体位之间插入串联动作,而是串联动作中做体位 。体位等于串联动作流畅套路中的定格暂停 。1 。许多体热系透过这串联动作孕育发生 。咱们了解,人的身体就像玻璃,冷却的玻璃不胜一折即碎,但在高温烧炙下却很容易弯它 。同样道理,在身体无足够温度下要做瑜伽姿势,便容易拉伤 。有时在八支瑜伽计数系统中,由吸气起头后接两个串联动作 。若动作太长无法一次吸气或吐气完成,有时只接一个 。那样通例会造成紊乱,所以请注重:每一串联动作以吸气或吐气起头演练,但有时会延长较多次呼吸 。那种增长的呼吸也是传统系统的一部分 。(在“体位 - 串联 - 指南”中,以括号列示)八支瑜伽是一很是简化的系统,所有进入及离开一体位都未称名,只唱喊数码 。所以脑筋不消挂念名称问题 。每一数码表示一个新的串联:一个新动作与一个吸气或吐气的配合 。传统上都以下面所开列极其崇高的梵文数目字表示:EKAM = 1 DVE = 2 TRINI = 3 CATVARI= 4 PANCHA = 5 SAT= 6 SAPTA = 7 ASTAU = 8NAVA = 9 DASA = 10 EKADASA = 11 DVADASA = 12 TRAYODASA = 13 CHATURDASA = 14PANCADASA = 15 SODASA = 16 SAPTADASA = 17 ASTADASA = 18 EKONAVIMSATIH = 19VIMSATHI = 20 EKAVIMSATIH = 21 DVAVIMSATIH = 22 TRAYOVIMSATIH = 23CATURVIMSATIH = 24 PANCAVIMSATIH = 25 SOVIMSTIH = 26 SAPTAVIMSATIH = 27ASTAVIMSATIH = 28VinyasaVinyasa means union between breath and movement. Every movement is lead by an inhalation or exhalation. Thetime you move,is the time you breathe. Your body follows this natural rhythm.In the tradition of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga every Yoga-Posture (=Asana) is entered and left in an certain definedorder of Vinyasa movements - counted through from standing to standing. So every Asana has an defined numberof Vinyasa movements to enter and to leave it. (This Numbers are named in the Asana-Vinyasa-Guide on this webpage.) So Ashtanga Yoga becomes a very precise practice. Always doing the same movements with two goodreasons: Yogis believe that there is an energy field penetrating everything. Every action done influences thisenergy field. So you can imagine how powerful the energetic impingement through the ancient Ashtanga Yogapractice is. Thousands of Yogis doing the same movements every day for some thousand years! -You can feel thisenergetic field you enter with your Yoga practice. A field strong enough to carry you on and on from vinyasa tovinyasa right through your practice.Doing every day the same movements in the same order is extraordinary boring for your mind. So it cant bedistracted to much by what you are doing and you enter easily an moving meditation - only Pranajama,Bandha,Drishti,Vinyasa and Asana but no thinking!During the practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga not all of the Vinyasa movements from and back to the standingposition are done. - They are just counted this way - But between all positions,and even between the differentsides of one position there are some certain Vinyasa movements. Normally up and back to the downward facingdog position. (For detail just have a look to the Asana-Vinyasa-Guide on this web page the Vinyasa movementsdone are printed in bold letters,the ones just for counting are narrow lettered.) As you see,there are lots ofVinyasa movements in the Ashtanga Yoga practice and only short periods of static during the Asanas (= Yogapositions). People coming from other Yoga styles sometimes fell strange with this. They may think: "Why arethere all this Vinyasas between the Asanas?" But this feeling is based on a misunderstanding. In Ashtanga Yogawe dont do Vinyasas between Asanas,but Asanas between Vinyasas. The Asanas are pauses between the steadyflow of Vinyasa. Lots of heat is created through this Vinyasa movements. The Ashtanga Yogi sees the humanbody like glass. If you want to bend glass while it is cold,it will break. But if you get glass hot enough it will bendeasily. The same it is with the human body. If you want to do Yoga positions with no heat,you might hurtyourself.Sometimes in the counting system of Ashtanga Yoga there are two following Vinyasas both lead by an inhalation.Or one Vinyasa which has an too long movement for only one inhalation or exhalation. That often leads toconfusion. So notice: Every Vinyasa has one inhalation or exhalation to LEAD the position but sometimes somemore breathing to do it. Those additional breathings are as well part of the traditional system. (In the AsanaVinyasa-Guide they are printed in brackets.)Ashtanga Yoga is a very simple system,so all the Vinyasas to enter and leave an Asana (from standing tostanding) are not named but just counted through. So the mind has no names to worry about. Every numberindicates an new Vinyasa,an new movement in union with an inhalation or exhalation. The counting traditionallyis performed in the holy language of Sanscrit:EKAM = 1 DVE = 2 TRINI = 3 CATVARI= 4 PANCHA = 5 SAT = 6 SAPTA = 7 ASTAU = 8NAVA = 9 DASA = 10 EKADASA = 11 DVADASA = 12 TRAYODASA = 13 CHATURDASA = 14PANCADASA = 15 SODASA = 16 SAPTADASA = 17 ASTADASA = 18 EKONAVIMSATIH = 19VIMSATHI = 20 EKAVIMSATIH = 21 DVAVIMSATIH = 22 TRAYOVIMSATIH = 23CATURVIMSATIH = 24 PANCAVIMSATIH = 25 SOVIMSTIH = 26 SAPTAVIMSATIH = 27ASTAVIMSATIH = 28

