描述颜色的高级词汇 描写颜色的高级词汇,中文( 二 )

So lemon is this pale yellow colour. It's not quite as intense as yellow.
所以柠檬黄就是这种淡黄色 。它不像黄色那么强烈 。
In fact, this colour is often referred to as canary yellow so see the difference already? We've got two shades of yellow but there's so much difference between them.
事实上,这种颜色通常被称为金丝雀黄,所以你已经看出区别了吗?我们有两种黄色调,但它们之间有很大的不同 。
This is lemon yellow and you'll notice that many of these words actually reference the world around us, maybe food, flowers, nature so watch out for these extra words throughout the lesson. These colours that remind us of something else in nature.
这是柠檬黄,你会注意到其中许多词实际上是指我们周围的世界,可能是食物、鲜花、自然,因此在整个课程中要注意这些额外的词 。这些颜色让我们想起自然界中的其他事物 。
So this is lemon yellow. Now this is mustard.
所以这是柠檬黄 。现在这是芥末黄 。
It's a muted, darker yellow colour, isn't it? Quite fashionable.
它是一种柔和的深黄色,对吧?非常时尚 。
So muted means that it's not bright or shiny. You can see that this colour isn't as bright as the lemon colour or the canary yellow and actually as I'm talking, I'm thinking that one of the really cool things about colours in English is that most of the time you can add aY so we could say mustardy.
柔和的意思是它不明亮,不闪 。你可以看到这种颜色不像柠檬黄或金丝雀黄色那么明亮,实际上,正如我所说,我认为英语中关于颜色的一个非常酷的事情是,大多数时候你可以添加一个 Y,所以我们可以说是芥末色的 。
The new car they bought was mustardy brown. So it's really great if you're not quite sure of the colour or the shades.
他们买的新车是芥末棕色的 。因此,如果你不太确定颜色或色调的话,那就太好了 。
You could say: The clouds in the sky were a bluey-grey or a bluish-grey.
你可以说:天空中的云是蓝灰色或蓝灰色 。
These are ways to say that it's sort of that colour, a little bit of that colour, a hint of that colour but not completely. Now this is tawny.
这是用来表示它有点那种颜色,但又不完全是那种颜色 。这是黄褐色 。
It's this light brown to orange colour. Now light is a really great way to describe colours that are not dark or strong and it's often used when little bits of white or lots of white is mixed in with the colour so it becomes lighter.
这是浅棕色和橙色中间的一个颜色 。Light 是描述不暗或不强烈的颜色的一种非常好的方式,通常在将少量白色或大量白色与这种颜色混合以使其变得更亮时使用 。
And there are a few different ways to describe this. Another one will come up later on.
有几种不同的方式可以用来描述 。稍后会出现另一个 。
But I want you to keep an eye out or an ear out for these other adverbs and adjectives that you can use to change the shade of colours in English. Next up we've got bronze.
但我希望你留意这些其他副词和形容词,你可以用它们来改变英语中的颜色深浅 。接下来是青铜色 。
Now that's a really tricky consonant cluster there, it's just one syllable, that E is silent, bronze. So bronze is this metallic brown colour and the adjective metallic is used to describe something that is shiny so often the paint on cars has that sparkle, that shine in it.
这是一个非常棘手的辅音丛,它只有一个音节,E 是不发音的,青铜色的 。青铜色就是这种金属棕色,形容词“有金属光泽的”用于描述有光泽的东西,所以汽车上的油漆经常是闪闪发光的 。
It's metallic. And funny enough we use this colour bronze to describe really tanned skin at the beach.

