描述颜色的高级词汇 描写颜色的高级词汇,中文( 五 )

Can you hear where the strongest stress is? Magenta.
你能听到最强的重音在哪里吗?洋红色 。
It's on that second syllable. Magenta really is like this hot pink that has this tone of purple in it.
是在第二个音节上 。洋红色类似于这种带有紫色调的亮粉色 。
It's really bright and intense like it might almost be burning your eyeballs a little bit right now, I hope not. Let's go through some shades of blue and green now.
它真的很明亮很强烈,感觉要灼伤你的眼球一样,我希望没有 。现在让我们来看看一些蓝色和绿色的色调 。
Starting with teal. This is teal.
从青色开始 。这是青色 。
So it's just one syllable and it's this lovely blue-green colour, very calming, teal, which is different to aqua. So in English, the name for this bluish green colour is aqua and that colour is very similar to aquamarine which is this bright greenish-blue colour, a little different.
所以它只有一个音节,这是一种可爱的蓝绿色,非常平静,蓝绿色,与湖绿色不同 。在英语中,这种蓝绿色的名称是“湖绿色”,这种颜色与海蓝宝石色非常相似,海蓝宝石色是这种明亮的绿蓝色,略有不同 。
Notice how I said bluish-green for aqua and greenish-blue for aquamarine. This quite literally is the definition of the difference between the two of them.
请注意我说的“aqua”是蓝绿色,而“aquamarine”是绿蓝色 。从字面上看,这就是对两者之间差异的定义 。
They're very similar in colour, tone right, one is a little more green, the other is a little more blue. They're similar but not quite the same as turquoise.
它们的颜色和色调非常相似,一个更绿一点,另一个更蓝一点 。它们与绿松石色相似,但不完全相同 。
So it's another really tricky one to say if you're just looking at the word. Turquoise.
因此,如果你只是看这个词的话,它说起来也是比较困难的 。绿松石色 。
Again, turquoise is a mix between a brilliant blue and a brilliant green. Now the adjective brilliant means that it glistens, it shines.
同样地,绿松石色是亮蓝色和亮绿色之间的混合 。形容词“brilliant”意味着它闪闪发光,非常闪耀 。
It reminds you of shallow water on a pristine, tropical beach doesn't it, right? Just imagine that.
它让你想起原始热带海滩上的浅水,对吧?想象一下 。
So instead of saying: Look at the stunning blue water. You could say:
所以不要说:看看这绝美的蓝色的水 。你可以说:
Look at the stunning turquoise water. Much more impressive.
看看令人惊叹的绿松石色的水 。更加令人印象深刻了 。
And then we've got emerald. It's this really vivid green.
然后是祖母绿色 。这是一种鲜艳的绿色 。
Now vivid is a great way to describe a colour that is really strong and it's bright, it's vivid green. That's a really great collocation to learn, vivid with a colour.
现在,“vivid”是用来描述非常强烈、明亮、鲜艳的绿色的绝佳词汇 。这是一个很棒的搭配供大家学习,鲜艳生动的色彩 。
Must be a bright colour, vivid and vibrant are very, very similar. Let's talk about some shades of purple.
必须是明亮的颜色,生动的和充满活力的非常非常相似 。让我们谈谈紫色的不同色调吧 。
This is mauve. So mauve rhymes with stove if you want to practise.
这是淡紫色 。如果你想练习的话,那么用“stove”和“mauve”进行押韵 。
Mauve. And it's quite a beautiful colour, a light violet or a light purple colour but it's not quite as light as lavender.
淡紫色 。它是一种非常漂亮的颜色,淡淡的紫色,但不像薰衣草那么淡 。
Can you say it? It's got three syllables, our stress is on the first syllable and lavender is a light purple colour.

