描述颜色的高级词汇 描写颜色的高级词汇,中文( 四 )

所以象牙色中有一点棕色,棕色比奶油色更浓,因为奶油色是白色带一点黄色,这是白色带一点棕色,对吧?因此,你可以在此处看到细微的变化,以及能够像这样使用不同的词来更加具体地描述具有略微不同变化的色调是多么有用 。
So now let's talk about shades of red and orange. We have auburn.
所以现在让我们来谈谈红色和橙色的色调吧 。我们有赤褐色 。
It's the same vowel sound in door. So you can hear it has two syllables auburn.
它和“door”的元音是一样的 。你可以听到它有两个音节:赤褐色 。
And the first one is the stressed one, the second one reduces to the schwa, auburn. Auburn is this rich red-brown colour and it is most commonly used to describe hair.
第一个是重读的,第二个缩读成了一个中元音,赤褐色 。赤褐色是这种浓郁的红棕色,最常用于描述头发 。
Do you know anyone or can you think of anyone who has auburn coloured hair? So this is burgundy.
你认识什么人,或者你能想到有赤褐色头发的人吗?这是勃艮第红 。
It's a deep red colour with really strong hints of purple and deep is a really lovely word to describe a strong dark colour. It's often used with dark shades of red, green, blue, even purple, so we use deep to describe that, like the deep, dark depths of the ocean.
这是一种深红色,带着非常浓郁的紫色和深红色,这是一个非常可爱的词来描述浓郁的深色 。它通常与红色、绿色、蓝色甚至紫色的深色调一起使用,因此我们使用 deep 这个词来描述它,比如说暗黑的海洋深处 。
It's that really, really, deep, deep blue. So we use it with some darker colours to add that extra extra stronger meaning than just dark.
这是很深,很深的蓝色 。我们会将它与一些更深的颜色一起使用,以添加比暗更强烈的含义 。
Let's talk about some beautiful shades of pink now starting with coral. So as you can see, this colour is a blend between bright pink and orange.
现在让我们谈谈一些美丽的粉红色调,从珊瑚色开始 。如你所见,这种颜色是亮粉色和橙色的混合 。
You remember me speaking about bright colours earlier right? We often use bright together with a colour to talk about one that really pops out so we say bright pink, bright yellow, bright orange.
你记得我之前说过鲜艳的颜色吗?我们经常将“明亮的”与一种颜色一起使用,来谈论比较亮眼的颜色,所以我们会说亮粉色、亮黄色、亮橙色 。
Speaking of bright, this is fuchsia. I love this word.
说到明亮的颜色,这是紫红色 。我超爱这个词 。
The spelling makes it really difficult to try and pronounce right but if you close your eyes and you just listen to the words that I'm saying, the sounds that I'm making, it might be a little easier. Fuchsia.
拼写导致很难正确发音,但如果你闭上眼睛,只听我说的话,听我发出的音,可能会容易一些 。紫红色的 。
Fuchsia is this vibrant, pinkish, purple colour and you can use vibrant to describe a colour that is really strong and lively, it's sharp, it's intense. So vibrant, I'm sure you can guess is the opposite of muted and dull.
紫红色是这种充满活力的粉紫色,你可以使用“充满活力的”来描述非常浓郁和活泼的颜色,它很鲜明,很强烈 。所以“vibrant”这个词,我相信你能猜到是muted 和 dull 的反义词 。
Okay so vibrant is very full of life. Now magenta is also another fabulous shade of pink.
好的,所以“vibrant”是非常充满活力的 。洋红色也是另一种美妙的粉红色 。
It's quite similar to fuchsia because it's blended with purple, magenta. So we've got three syllables there.
它与紫红色非常相似,因为它混合了紫色,洋红色 。这里有三个音节 。

