描述颜色的高级词汇 描写颜色的高级词汇,中文

描述颜色的高级词汇 描写颜色的高级词汇,中文

视频加载中...Hey there I'm Emma from mmmEnglish. Today I'll be teaching you how to say twenty advanced colours in English so you'll get to expand your vocabulary and learn some more interesting words to use.
大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道 。今天我将教你如何用英语说二十个高级的颜色,这样你就可以扩大词汇量,并学习一些更有趣的单词 。
We're definitely going to skip over the ones you've already learned at school: red, green, yellow, blue. We're going to use some advanced and more accurate descriptions of colour in this lesson.
我们会跳过你在学校已经学过的那些颜色:红色、绿色、黄色、蓝色 。在本节课中,我们将使用一些高级且更准确的颜色描述 。
You will get to practise your pronunciation, those tricky consonant clusters and syllable stress and I've also made all of this available on a handy colour vocabulary cheat sheet so it's got all of the collocations and adjectives that I'm going to cover today plus some extra explanations and examples. And you can download it right down in the description box below.
你将练习发音、那些很难的辅音丛和音节重音,我还把它们都放在一个方便的彩色词汇备忘单上了,里面包含了我今天要介绍的所有搭配和形容词,还有一些额外的解释和例子 。你可以直接在下面的描述区进行下载 。
This lesson is definitely going to help you to beautifully and accurately describe things around you like clothes, makeup, graphic design, nature, all of these things so this vocabulary lesson is definitely going to level up your skills. Make sure you hit that subscribe button and let's get this rainbow started!
这节课绝对可以帮助你漂亮而准确地描述你周围的东西,比如衣服、化妆品、平面设计、自然,所有的这些东西,所以这个词汇课肯定会提高你的英语能力 。一定要点击订阅按钮,让我们开始这条彩虹之旅吧!
So I'm really excited about this vocabulary lesson because well I'm not sure maybe some of my regular viewers have noticed that I've got a green screen going on in my studio which means I can play around with the colours on screen and show you what I'm talking about in this lesson. So I can easily go like this and like this and I can show you the colours that I'm talking about.
我对这节词汇课感到非常兴奋,因为我不确定我的一些老观众是否注意到我的工作室里有一个绿幕,这意味着我可以在屏幕上放各种颜色,向你展示我在本课中所说的内容 。所以我可以很容易地这样,这样,我可以向你展示我正在谈论的颜色 。
Now if your brain went: Yep that was white, that was brown, that was purple, you're going to love this lesson because I've got some much better, much more accurate words to describe the different shades of colours in English. Now that is a great collocation to learn.
如果你的脑子在想:是的,那是白色的,那是棕色的,那是紫色的,那你肯定会喜欢这节课的,因为我有一些更好、更准确的词来描述英语中不同深浅的颜色 。这是一个很好的搭配可以学习 。
We use the word shades to talk about different versions of the same colour. There are many different shades of yellow or different shades of green.
我们使用深浅这个词来谈论相同颜色的不同版本 。有许多不同深浅的黄色或不同深浅的绿色 。
And that is exactly how we're going to move through this lesson. We're going to focus on shades of the same colour.
我们就会这样完成本节课程 。我们将侧重于相同颜色的深浅 。
We'll get started with shades of yellow and brown. So the first colour is lemon.
我们将从不同深浅的黄色和棕色开始 。所以第一种颜色是柠檬黄 。

