描述颜色的高级词汇 描写颜色的高级词汇,中文( 六 )

你能说出来吗?它有三个音节,我们的重音在第一个音节上,而薰衣草是一种浅紫色 。
It's a mix between pale blue and pale red. Now I've mentioned pale a few times already through this lesson.
它是淡蓝色和淡红色的混合 。我已经在本课中多次提到了“pale”这个词 。
It's an adjective that you can use when you want to describe colours that are softer and lighter and they're less intense so often it means that they've mixed with white and become lighter but pale is another way to describe light. So that's it.
这是一个形容词,当你想描述更柔和、更亮且不那么强烈的颜色时,你可以使用它,这意味着它们与白色混合并变得更亮,但“pale”是描述光的另一种方式 。就是这样啦 。
I hope this lesson brightened up your day a little or at least made it more colourful and now you've got twenty advanced English colours, adjectives and other collocations that you can be using when you're describing the world around you. In fact, I have a short homework task for you.
我希望这节课能让你的一天变得更明亮一点,或者至少让它变得更加丰富多彩,现在你已经学习了 20 种高级英语颜色、形容词和其他搭配,你可以在描述你周围的世界时使用它们 。其实呢,我有一个非常简单的家庭作业留给大家 。
I want you to stand up and walk around, if you're at home, at your office, wherever you are, see if you can find each one of the colours that we went through in this lesson. They exist everywhere around us. Don't forget, I created your colour vocabulary cheat sheet.
我希望你站起来走动一下,不管你在家、在办公室、还是身在何处,看看你是否能找到我们在本节课中遇到的每一种颜色 。它们存在于我们周围的任何地方 。别忘了,我创建了颜色词汇备忘单 。
It's got all of the collocations and adjectives we went through today plus some extra explanations for you. You can download it from the description box below.
它包含了我们今天学习的所有搭配和形容词,并为你提供了一些附加的解释 。你可以从下面的描述区下载它 。
Make sure you subscribe to the channel and check out this next lesson right here. I'll see you straight in there.
一定要订阅我的频道哦,看看这节课程吧 。我在那里等待着大家 。

