描述颜色的高级词汇 描写颜色的高级词汇,中文( 三 )

这是有金属光泽的 。有趣的是,我们使用这种青铜色来描述海滩上晒黑的皮肤 。
So if you've ever been to an Italian beach in summer you will see lots of very bronzed people. Now we have peach.
如果你曾在夏天去过意大利海滩的话,你会看到很多古铜色皮肤的人 。现在是桃色 。
Make sure you're really landing that last consonant sound there, that CH sound. Exaggerate it if you have to while you're practising out loud with me.
一定要把最后一个辅音发出来,CH 音 。当你和我一起大声练习时,你可以说得夸张一点 。
Peach. Good.
桃色 。很好 。
So peach is a colour and a fruit of course, and it's this beautiful shade of orange, yellow, white and a touch of pink. So technically white is not a colour but it is so useful to know different ways to describe white because there are so many like this is pearl white.
所以桃子是一种颜色,也是一种水果,它是橙色、黄色、白色和一点淡淡的粉红色合成的美丽色调 。因此,严格说来,白色不是一种颜色,但了解描述白色的不同方式非常有用,因为像珍珠白这样的颜色太多了 。
And it usually has a bit of a shine or a sparkle in it, much like an actual pearl so it's that little rainbowy shine over the top of white. And pearl is often used to describe the really beautiful white of a car, not the flat white colour but the one with the little sheen of colour through it.
它通常有一点光泽或闪光,就像一颗真正的珍珠一样,所以这是白色上面的彩虹般的小光泽 。珍珠白通常被用来形容汽车那种美丽的白色,不是纯白色,而是带有一点点颜色光泽的白色 。
Pearl white teeth, very, very white teeth and often makeup as well uses pearl white or pearl to describe that beautiful coloured sheen. Now this one is a little tricky to pronounce.
珍珠白的牙齿,就是非常非常白的牙齿,化妆当中也经常用珍珠白或珍珠色来形容美丽的彩色光泽 。这个发音有点小困难 。
How do you think this word would be pronounced? Beige.
你觉得这个词应该怎么发音?米色的 。
So can you hear that sound? It's not very common in English but you do hear it in words like measure and vision.
你能听出来那个音吗?这在英语中并不常见,但你会在度量和视觉等词中听到 。
So this word is beige. So I would describe beige as a pale, dull brown colour.
这个词是米色的 。我会将米色描述为一种苍白、暗褐色的颜色 。
It doesn't pop, it doesn't stand out, it's not bright. Interestingly, you can also use this word as an adjective to describe someone's personality.
它不扎眼,不突出,不明亮 。有趣的是,你也可以使用这个词作为形容词来描述某人的个性 。
It's definitely not a positive adjective to describe a person like this because it means that they are dull, kind of boring, they're a bit beige. Then we have cream.
形容一个人是这样的并不是一个积极的形容词,因为这意味着他们很沉闷,有点无聊,好像米色一样 。然后是奶油色 。
So cream is a mix of a little yellow and white and of course, it references the cream that we use in cooking so you can imagine that, right? A cream that you would add to your pasta or dessert, right?
It's inspired by that colour. And this is ivory.
它的灵感就来自那种颜色 。这是象牙色 。
So ivory has a little bit more brown, there's a stronger tint of brown than cream because cream is white with a little tint of yellow, this is white with a little tint of brown, right? So you can see the slight variation here and how useful it is to be able to describe colour, shades like this with slightly different variations to have different words to describe it and be more specific.

