
2010年09月30日对睡眠不佳者来说 , 每一晚“数绵羊”倒不比天天做运动 。西方强国的一项新研究显示 , 坚保有氧运动有助于改善睡眠状况 , 提高睡眠质量 。西方强国西北大学的研究人员日前报告说 , 他们对二十三名半百五岁以上的睡眠状况不佳者进行了一项跟踪研究 。先前研究显示 , 中老年女性是受失眠问题困扰的主要整体 , 是以这项研究的对象多为女性 。研究人员将研究对象分为两组 , 让其中一组每一周运动四次 , 每一次约四十分钟 , 而另外一组只定期到场烹饪课 , 听讲座 , 不做运动 。两组人员从专业人士那里得知同样的睡眠注重事项 , 如每一晚坚持在固定时间上床困觉 , 睡不着不要委曲躺在床上等 。研究人员发现 , 十六周以后 , 坚持运动组的睡眠状况有较着改善 , 忧闷等症状减轻 , 而对照组的睡眠状况傲然如故 。睡眠研究专业人士威廉·罗伯茨教授说 , 良好睡眠是康健生活的重要组成部分 , 提高睡眠质量可使身体以及精力康健状况都得到改善 。通过有氧运动治疗失眠可有用避免药物治疗的副效用 。研究人员同时提示 , 运动时间最好不要安排在睡前一小时 。对自由支配时间较少的人来说 , “早晨熬炼一小时比在床上多睡一小时对身体更有益” 。Aerobic Exercise Relieves InsomniaBoosting cardiovascular fitness improves sleep ,  vitality and mood for insomniacsBy Marla PaulCHICAGO --- The millions of middle-aged and older adults who suffer from insomnia have a new drug-free prescription for a more restful nights sleep. Regular aerobic exercise improves the quality of sleep ,  mood and vitality ,  according to a small but significant new study from Northwestern Medicine.The study is the first to examine the effect of aerobic exercise on middle-aged and older adults with a diagnosis of insomnia. About 50 percent of people in these age groups complain of chronic insomnia symptoms.The aerobic exercise trial resulted in the most dramatic improvement in patients’ reported quality of sleep ,  including sleep duration ,  compared to any other non-pharmacological intervention."This is relevant to a huge portion of the population , " said Phyllis Zee ,  M.D. ,  director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Medicine and senior author of a paper to be published in the October issue of Sleep Medicine. The lead author is Kathryn Reid ,  research assistant professor at Feinberg."Insomnia increases with age , " Zee said. "Around middle age ,  sleep begins to change dramatically. It is essential that we identify behavioral ways to improve sleep. Now we have promising results showing aerobic exercise is a simple strategy to help people sleep better and feel more vigorous."The drug-free strategy also is desirable ,  because it eliminates the potential of a sleeping medication interacting with other drugs a person may be taking ,  Reid said.Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle ,  like nutrition and exercise ,  noted Zee ,  a professor of neurology ,  neurobiology ,  and physiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital."By improving a persons sleep ,  you can improve their physical and mental health , " Zee said. "Sleep is a barometer of health ,  like someones temperature. It should be the fifth vital sign. If a person says he or she isnt sleeping well ,  we know they are more likely to be in poor health with problems managing their hypertension or diabetes."The study included 23 sedentary adults ,  primarily women ,  55 and older who had difficulty falling sleep and/or staying asleep and impaired daytime functioning. Women have the highest prevalence of insomnia. After a conditioning period ,  the aerobic physical activity group exercised for two 20-minute sessions four times per week or one 30-to-40-minute session four times per week ,  both for 16 weeks. Participants worked at 75 percent of their maximum heart rate on at least two activities including walking or using a stationary bicycle or treadmill.Participants in the non-physical activity group participated in recreational or educational activities ,  such as a cooking class or a museum lecture ,  which met for about 45 minutes three to five times per week for 16 weeks.Both groups received education about good sleep hygiene ,  which includes sleeping in a cool ,  dark and quiet room ,  going to bed the same time every night and not staying in bed too long ,  if you can’t fall asleep.Exercise improved the participants self-reported sleep quality ,  elevating them from a diagnosis of poor sleeper to good sleeper. They also reported fewer depressive symptoms ,  more vitality and less daytime sleepiness."Better sleep gave them pep ,  that magical ingredient that makes you want to get up and get out into the world to do things , " Reid said.The participants scores on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index dropped an average of 4.8 points. (A higher score indicates worse sleep.) In a prior study using tai chi as a sleep intervention ,  for example ,  participants average scores dropped 1.8 points."Exercise is good for metabolism ,  weight management and cardiovascular health and now it’s good for sleep , " Zee said.The research was funded by the National Institute on Aging.http://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/201 0/09/aerobic-exercise-relieves-insomnia.html

